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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Recent information on Raw Diet

Raw Dietthere goes another million

Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:37:47 EDT
Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('lj-cut="dr. ') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below. ... What holistic medicine approaches is EVERY aspect of your mind, body, and soul (through therapy, diet, exercise, acupuncture, etc. ). It's so. . . perfect. In my mind....

Allied Atrocities, an Article by James Bacque - and More Images of From Post-War Germany

Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:47:00 EDT
He was kept with thousands of other POW on a meadow which became mud after six weeks, no shelter, no blankets, occasionally half a raw potato a day, sometimes beaten. ... I have no knowledge of a million of them dying of starvation, but under the blazing sun on the stony airfield that summer, and with such a minimum diet, it was not s...

A Day in LA

Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:24:03 EDT
Ate tons of pizza which killed my diet, but oh wells, it was good. ... I took some shots of old trains and hopefully I can be able to post some up sometime later since I'm trying to convert my files from RAW into JPEG....

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