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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Natural Supplements article

MSM Powder CapsulesThe Benefit of Eating Healthy is Especially Important to Children

The benefit of eating healthy is quite profound for children. Unlike adults, children are still developing strong bones and teeth. Every parent needs to understand the connection between eating and health.

1. Research has shown that children whose diet contains less saturated fats and processed foods will not only live longer but will be less prone to illnesses and disease. They will also be more active and feel healthier, which they will then carry into their adult lives.

2. Healthy eating will greatly reduce mood swings caused by too much sugar and the empty calories of snack foods. By insuring that your children eat the right balance of healthy foods you are actually helping your child to lead a more productive and well balanced life.

3. Another benefit to children of eating healthy is increased vitality. This will increase your child's activity levels, maintaining a healthy weight. Considering the high incidence of childhood obesity these days, that's a very important benefit. Eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise means your children will have more energy and will find it easier to cope with the stresses and strains of childhood.

4. Healthy eating promotes healthy skin. When children eat a healthy diet it shows in their skin, hair, nails and teeth. Learning to eat healthy at a young age will insure that they carry these habits into adulthood.

5. One of the biggest benefits of healthy eating is the ability to maintain weight at the desired level. One of the biggest problems facing children today is the extra weight they carry. Unfortunately obesity in children is increasing at an alarming rate. But by teaching your child to eat a healthy diet they will never have this problem to start with. This will greatly reduce the risk of them suffering from weight-related health issues later in life, such as heart conditions or diabetes.

Children who are taught to eat a healthy diet are more apt to continue these habits for the rest of their lives. They will enter adulthood without the burden of overweight and the stress that junk food diets can cause. The greatest benefit of eating healthy for children is a lifetime of good health!

Cooking healthy meals does not have to mean time-consuming menu preparation or boring meals. To discover delicious alternatives you never knew could be healthy, be sure to check out my Eating Healthy for Life blog at:

News on MSM Powder CapsulesP.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

The use of chemical solvents in extracting lipophilic compounds has raised some health, environmental and safety concerns in recently years. First of all, there is a small amount of toxic residues left after the extraction process, which can pose a health threat to the consumers. Secondly, the disposal of organic solvents is detrimental to the environment. And lastly, these chemical solvents are toxic and highly volatile, handling of these chemicals require extreme caution.

Unfortunately, the major active constituents in many herbs such as ginger, St. John�s Wort, valerian, rosemary are lipophilic. In the past, they were extracted by organic solvents such as acetone and hexane. But the advance in new technologies has provided safer alternative to the food industry. Supercritical fluid extraction is one of these new technologies. It allows health food manufacturers to produce cleaner, more potent and stable herbal products.

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) using carbon dioxide (CO2) is an improved extraction method. Carbon dioxide is non-toxic, non-explosive and can be readily removed from the finished products and recycled. It does not pose any hazardous problems to the environment. The extraction takes place without high temperature heating and boiling so the extracted products are more stable. In addition, the extraction yields a highly concentrated herbal extract.
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P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

Gift Certificates

Cut back on Corn Flakes (92), Rice Krispies (82) and substitute All-Bran (32) or switch to a cereal based on oats, barley or bran. Stop eating white bagels (72), white bread (70) or whole-wheat bread (77) and switch to pumpernickel (50) or sourdough (55). Fruits are mostly low GI foods and surprisingly orange juice (46) is very good.
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Gift Certificates

Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light

You have a problem with your penis erection, but not with your sexual drive, or libido. Because you can get sexually excited but cannot get a firm erection or sustain your erection for vaginal penetration. Libido and impotence are total different aspects of your sexual life. You have to understand this. If you are person with erectile dysfunction and have started eating the Goji berry in anticipation of a great sexual experience �give it a second thought, you are going to waste your money? In such a case, the Goji berries cannot help you. The only way remains the PDE5 inhibitors by which you can get an erection for your penis.
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Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light

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November 1, 2001 -- Update on Mercury Detox Protocol Editor: I am writing to provide you and your readers with a clinical update to the mercury detox protocol that...

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