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Monday, January 26, 2009

Raw Food Diet for health

Raw Food Diet TopicsRooibos Tea

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Know the difference between a craving and real, honest-to-goodness hunger. When you hear that jelly doughnut a-calling, imagine yourself eating some other kind of food, like chicken, for instance. If you�re really hungry, you�ll want to eat whatever food comes to your mind. If anything other than that jelly doughnut seems like a bad idea, then what you have is a craving that must be ignored.

Eat smaller portions more frequently, about every three hours, because when you allow yourself to get hungry, it will be that much difficult to suppress your appetite and you will have a tendency to overeat.
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Raw Food Diet4 Steps to Creating an Eating Healthy Diet Plan

Let's face it. Life in the 21st century can occur at a frantic pace. We can spend all our time working and taking care of our families. Taking the time to create a healthy diet plan for our families can seem like a major task. It's no wonder that we often take shortcuts like quick trips to our local fast food restaurant.

But in reality, creating an eating healthy diet plan only requires some simple planning. Meals don't have to be fancy, and they don't have to be expensive. The major concern is that they are complete and well-balanced. Follow these simple guidelines and you should be able to plan healthy meals that don't require a lot of time and effort:

1. Commit yourself to eating 4-6 small meals and snacks each day. It is best to plan ahead what you are going to eat each day and always ensure that both fresh and low fat foods are included in each meal that you have.

2. Keep the plan simple and do not get caught up on the actual specifics of the diet but rather just start off by counting the calories.

3. Eat your meals more slowly. Never eat on the run. Not only will this give you more time to digest what you have eaten, but it will also make you feel more satisfied after each meal.

4. Ensure that you include plenty of healthy foods in your diet such as fruit, vegetables, whole grain cereals, beans, low fat or non fat dairy products, low fat meats and skinless poultry, as well as fish. Avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar.

When creating your eating healthy diet plan, put the emphasis on vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These foods are naturally rich in nutrients but low in fat and calories.

It is important that you plan your meals and establish a routine for when you eat your meals and snacks. Make them at regular times each day. Plus choose a variety of the healthiest foods for each meal.

If you are currently eating at irregular times, overeating, or making poor food choices, you may have a problem keeping your blood sugar levels under control. These tips should completely solve that problem, but be sure to ask your doctor if you continue to have a problem.

These simple tips are really the only basics you need to remember in planning an eating healthy diet plan for you and your family. If you commit to them every day, you will quickly reap the rewards of more energy, the ability to easily maintain a healthy weight, and fewer health problems.

Healthy Eating every day does not have to mean time-consuming menu preparation or boring meals. To discover delicious alternatives you never knew could be healthy, be sure to check out my Eating Healthy blog at:

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