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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Have you heard of calcium montmorillonite

Australian Journal of Soil Research - Effect of humic acid, sodium, and calcium additions on the formation of water-stable aggregates in Western Australian wheatbelt soils.

Thu, 01 Jul 2004 07:00:00 GMT
July 1, 2004 -- Introduction Soil organic matter plays an important role in maintaining the stability of soil aggregates (Chaney and Swift 1984). Its main...

The Practical Guide to Removing Toxins From the Body

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:52:00 EDT
The accumulation of these toxic chemicals and metals results in our body not being able to assimilate and utilize essential minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. ... You can buy an industrial bentonite at the feed store for about $6 for a 50-pound bag. This is usually sodium montmorillonite....The best clay for detoxification is calcium montmorillonite....

migraine headaches

Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:59:28 EDT
The best way to combat the problem from this angle would be to switch to high quality stainless steel cookware, and use supplements such as bugleweed, montmorillonite, a ... Extra magnesium (up to 400 mg per day) along with extra calcium, potassium, and all trace minerals could be tried....

Xango Mangosteen Health Beverage

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 23:43:09 EDT
Xango Mangosteen Juice

The Mangosteen is a fruit that grows in tropical regions all over the worl

Psyllium Husk and Powder
