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Monday, January 12, 2009

Natural Remedy article

Natural RemedyThe Power of Effective Decissions on Powerful Health Care Practices

?Life is a checkerboard??

One recent morning while rereading Napoleon Hill, I came across this quote. Now, he has it in quotations too, but does not attribute it to anybody else.

?Life is a checkerboard and the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate indecision?.

So, why then, in the face of numerous challenges in practice today do so many doctors just back away from essential decisions and allow their own futures to be jeopardized or their livelihood and professional futures held hostage?

Quite simply, I believe its fear, and most especially, not knowing what to do first. So many just shut down, and take the path of least resistance.

The good news is, with appropriate tools, you too can develop the learned skill of making rapid and more effective decisions. That?s what I see from focused doctors. That is why focused doctors are or learn new ways to become true care givers, and not insurance pawns. In the process, they fall in love with their chiropractic practice once again. Their practice blossoms, financial security and fulfillment ensue. This can be you too.

Focused people know what they want to achieve, in specific, detailed terms.
Successful doctors know this too, despite obstacles that might be encountered along the way.

So, how can you get results? Start by taking a hard look at where you are right now. Have you drifted off course? More importantly, are your daily actions and attitudes moving you closer to your targets or not?

Don?t forget, your life right now, is a product of the decisions you have made (or failed to) so far. This of course includes your professional practice. The first step in getting back on track is to acknowledge this fact. Take responsibility as paramount!

Since decision making is a skill, it can be learned. But it has to be specific to the situations at hand. This is where the council of others, such as coaches can really help, especially in a complex arena like today?s private healthcare practices.

And remember, real success is built upon strong foundations. What better way to achieve it than by working with those who have already mastered the skills you may need to acquire.

So, start to be a better asker! You will be glad you did.

Dr. John Hayes Jr, is president of Perfect Practice Web, and has 26 years experience in multidisciplinary and chiropractic practice management. He may be reached through or email @ He welcomes consulting, publishing and speaking inquiries at 781-659-7989.

Reviews of Carob PowderRooibos Tea

L-Carnitine is an amino acid and may aid in fat-loss endeavors. Its main function is to transfer long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria where they can be used to produce energy and burn fat. L-Carnitine can also aid in preventing fatty build up in the liver and heart.
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Rooibos Tea

Wow! Day much juice, so little time.

Fri, 09 Jan 2009 16:15:16 EDT
Essentially, it's a powdered form of clay, charcoal, carob, flax seed and some other things that I cannot remember off the top of my head. ... Normally, I pour the powder in my throat and chase it with water....

Ukraine >> - Kommersant

Mon, 05 Jan 2009 23:11:00 GMT
It is impossible to overestimate Ukraine’s role in the life of the USSR. It was the supplier of industrial volumes of general secretaries and Politburo members, wheat and singers ...

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